Sunday, April 04, 2010

A bittersweet Peep Day

The winners for the Pioneer Press Peep Diorama contest were announced today and I have to say I was highly disappointed. Not only did MacPeep not win anything it didn't even get mentioned in the article about the contest.
When I first saw the winner, The Peepling Brother's Circus I knew there was no crystal peep in my future but I held out hope for a tote bag or at least some prize peeps, because nothing tastes better than Peeps you won by hot gluing other Peeps to cardboard.
In seeing some of the second and thrid place winners and honorable mentions I am somewhat disappointed by the loss. Don't these people know how hard we worked on our diorama? We didn't just go out and stick a toy car and some Peeps in a pothole. No, we made a cardboard version of the Guthrie Theater and recreated scenes from a Shakespeare play.
At least 8 hours of work went into this project plus 2 hours of giggling and not to mention the campaigning to get people to vote for the diorama.
To ease my sorrow at the loss I ate Peeps, not Peeps I won but Peeps given to me by my sister after hearing about my disappointing loss.
To make myself feel better about losing to a diorama about Tiger Woods I checked out the Washington Post's Peep Show and tried to gain inspiration for next year's contest while explaining to my brother how much cooler people in DC were and also trying to explain all the pop culture references that he didn't understand like the diorama for the JK Wedding Dance.
But now I have a whole year to plan for next year. I may even purchase Peeps from other holidays even though that goes against my belief that Peeps should just stay with their own holiday and not try to get in on the other holidays.


SaraToday said...

Robbed! We were dissed and robbed. The "Up" diorama wasn't even the best of the four Up entries.

SaraToday said...

Well, I guess Easter could have been worse.

Christina Rodriguez said...

I'm sorry you didn't win, Carrie! I voted for you, too.

I know how you feel. I recently lost a logo design contest, but rejection is just part of the game. Keep on truckin'!