Thursday, December 30, 2010

Iowa, you make me smile

I have a week off so I am spending my holiday in Iowa with my mom.
Yesterday mom and I drove to the city I grew up in to visit some friends and relatives.
Did you know that Iowa has a writing rest stop?
Check out the giant pen. I currently live near the land of Paul Bunyan and when a person travels north in Minnesota there are statues of Paul Bunyan's wife, ox, and fishing bobber. I'm pretty sure this is Paul Bunyan's Pen. He probably dropped it on his way back from an Iowa Writers Workshop or something.
Inside the rest stop there are little tiles with the names of writers and the genre they write in.


Angela said...

That's awesome, makes me want to visit Iowa.

SaraToday said...

I missed the writing rest stop. Is it on I 35?