Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Reconnecting with my writing groups

I've been reading my friend Wendy's blog and feeling like my blog could benefit from more photos or something.
I had meetings this week with two different critique groups this week. My novel group and my picture book group so I finally remembered my desire to take pictures and brought my camera only to fail to take pictures.
Monday's writing group meeting consisted of a check in about where we were, setting goals for the week and a reminder of our assignment to bring an example of inner conflict for the last meeting of the month. We also took a field trip to to check out the Writer's Studios at The Loft.
Now ever since I have been thinking about whether renting a writer's studio is a realistic thing for me to want to do. On one hand I feel like my life lacks some of the normal distractions that some people have. Of course I have my share of distractions like pets, laundry, dishes and Facebook. But because of my relative lack of distractions in my life I sometimes go to the coffee shop just to be around people and activity while I write. On the other side there is the whole idea of having a designated time and space where I will work on my writing, revision or whatever.
Today I went to my picture book writing group which I haven't been to in 3 months due to 10:30 matinees. I was excited to be back and so excited to see what everyone had worked on. It was wonderful to read everyone's work and get some feedback on a shorter piece that I just had to write even though I promised myself I would concentrate on my novel revision and not work on short pieces. I got the idea for the story from a mixture of things and the inspirational moment happened on the elliptical at the gym and I was afraid if I didn't write down something that I would lose it and not remember it later.
Now my goal for the rest of the week is to work on my assignment for Monday.

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