This Week's Topic: April is National Poetry Month! Share your favorite poem(s) or poet.
Years ago, after I got out of college and then thought "Hey I want to be a writer when I grow up." I started with poetry.
I really like the Dylan Thomas poem Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night. I'm sure I read it in college but I rediscovered it when it was used in the book Reached by Ally Condie.
My great grandparents were Welsh so Welsh writers and poets interest me. In rediscovering our family tree my uncles met a cousin who is 90 years old named Dylun Thomas. There are pictures from a visit with Dylun standing next to a plaque talking about Dylan Thomas the poet. I think that Dylun likes that people do a double take when they hear his name.
This year for National Poetry Month I get to celebrate by working backstage on Nice Fish at the Guthrie Theater. Nice Fish was written by Mark Rylance and a Minnesota poet, Louis Jenkins. When I first watched a run thru I was amazed at how poetic the play sounded.