Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Tips on Saying Yes

I've learned over the years the importance of saying no to things.
In order to say no to things I try to think of writing as a job. It requires time to be successful.

But sometimes you have to say yes to things.
Maybe saying yes to a project makes money that can pay a bill that needs paying or can lead to more work down the line.
I sew and sometimes there are people who want me to work on projects and while this can be good (extra money) it can also be bad (sewing= not writing).
So here are some things I do when I say yes to things.

1. Set a rate of pay at least as high as my day job. Charge more for things like rush orders or projects that require a great deal of skill. I also remember that doing outside projects takes away from writing time so I keep that in mind when setting rates.

2. Try to get projects on the calendar as early as possible. This can mean still having time to write if I can start another project early enough.

3. Be picky about who I work with/for. I will alter clothes for most of my friends but if someone outside my circle of friends wants me to alter things I try to make sure they aren't too high maintenance.

How do you balance saying no to outside projects? How do you decide what projects to say yes to?


Alicia Gregoire said...

I consider the day job my outside project. Since I'm here for a clear defined amount of time per week, it makes it easier. Your guidelines make sense, though. I'd probably do something similar if I had to.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

My day job is my writing and often people think I have all the time in the world. Saying yes is easy for me because I don't like saying no but sometimes I have to say no just to remind them (and myself) I don't have the time.

SaraToday said...

Which reminds me we need to figure out the gem on that brown dress!