Due to mounting dental bills and less work at my full time job I talked to my boss at my second very part time job about picking up a couple days a week in the fall.
It was hard to ask to be able to do this but since the money that I had saved so I would be able to only work one job and use my free time for writing is now the money I need to save because the economy sucks. And because I am anticipating a large dental bill and a lot of time off in the fall I asked.
I think that this is the most temporary solution and would work the best for me. As long as I set my boundaries and don't work more days than the two I have committed to I think it will be OK
One of my co-workers was asking me about it and her comment when I said I was picking up two days of work therefore giving up two days to write. "So it's time to give up that luxury."
I think what bugged me is that I don't think of writing as a Luxury. I don't think of working only one job as a luxury. Many people only work at one job.
I work hard at writing and it is something that I feel I have to do. I guess that I feel it is important whether I am cramming in writing time on my lunch break or spending a couple hours writing.
I guess if I was sitting on my boat, wearing diamonds and driving a mercedes then I would think of writing as a luxury.