I have been absent from this blog that I keep because for the last 11 days I have been keeping a Minnesota Fringe blog keeping track of all the shows that I have been seeing. I should have brought my knitting to Fringeville last night gut the only thing that I have started and not finished currently is my sock and the spiderweb capelet but the capelet has a stitch pattern that I need to pay attention to. I am also afraid that knitting in public makes me unapproachable. I think that other crafters will come up and talk to me but non-crafters think that I am busy knitting and avoid talking to me.
My friend Beth is moving and I have inhereted the My Little Pony collection. I feel so responsible now. I am going to have to be the one in charge of when pimp your pony day is. Plans are in the works for Christmas carol ponies.
My friend Beth is moving and I have inhereted the My Little Pony collection. I feel so responsible now. I am going to have to be the one in charge of when pimp your pony day is. Plans are in the works for Christmas carol ponies.